The birth of Schnell Software and software Graphico
The company starts its activity on March, 13th.2001; while the software Graphico is dated November 1999. It is our first software for reinforced concrete wire design and development for both civil and industrial applications.
Schnell Software begins to spread
The first 10 programs were installed in Italy, with cut optimization and connection to the Optibat machine.
First program for importing ceilings
It creates a module that scans a floor in DXF and automatically performs the development of the reinforcement, exporting this information to the program Graphico.
Schnell software reaches 100 installations of Graphico and extends to Europe: Italy, Portugal, Greece, Poland and Finland.
New module for importing beams
This module scans a table of beams in DWG format and exports the information to Graphico.
Cooperation with BIFI with the PireGrid project
It starts an optimization project of the cuts in Grid areas in cooperation with the research institute of Biocomputazione and Physics of Complex Systems in Zaragoza (BIFI).
Solution for importing slabs: It’s created an additional module that alows draw the slab in the 4 senses.
Schnell Software spreads in the Brazilian market
It starts making installations of Graphico with customizations to the Brazilian market.
New main office
The company grows and in April 2007 changes its location with 300 m2.
Translation into Asian languages
The software is translated into 15 languages and this signs the beginning of the commercialization in the Asian countries.
First version of Local Optimo for cutting lines. The calculator at the machine
Local Optimo is a powerful optimization software to work with a touch screen PC on the machine. It is friendly user, flexible when selecting the materials, quick labels reading. Its optimization and graphical display, make this product an indispensable tool for bars cutting for both civil construction and works by position.
More than 500 installations of Graphico
Schnell Software reaches more than 500 installations with more than 3000 software licenses.
Company’s 10th Anniversary
Celebration between members, agents and employees belonging to the different companies of the Groupol.
Schnell Schnell software obtains the ISO 9001: Thanks to its work, efforts and attention to customer satisfaction, the company is certified TUV Rheinland, according to the international ISO9001: 2008 on quality management.
More than 1500 machines connected worldwide
Every day millions of tons of wire are produced with machines connected by Schnell Software.
Birth oh Software do Brasil
It begins working on March 2013 with the plans of having direct contact and offer a better service to this market, which has already got 60 installations and a very large margin of increase.
Launch of www.rebarweb.com
The first online bar scheduling software, allowing you to design, send and receive schedules already studied in a standard format, besides export to customer production system.
Upgrading of Graphico Pro: A new version of Graphico is launched to better adapt it to the new internet technologies and to offer a better support.
Schnell Software in Fortissimo project
With a platform of cloud optimization, and in collaboration with BIFI (Institute for Biocomputation and Physics of Complex Systems at the University of Zaragoza) and CESGA (Supercomputing Center of Galicia), the company began to participate in this European project based on the use of simulation services running on a cloud computing infrastructure for high performance.
The revolution in the rebar shops management
GrafoGest Pro, a new departmental management and invoicing software specially designed for rebar shops, 100% integrated with Graphico Pro, multi-center and with a web interface that allows access from any place and device.
More than 120 clients upgraded with a high satisfaction
Our clients open up to the new possibilities of Graphico Pro: new features, improvements in speed and performance that lead to greater productivity for them.
Assemblied and pre-assemblied management
New products in order to supply better solutions. Assemblied and pre-assemblied management by using mobiles touchscreen devices. Planning and estimating of working time
Grafo Gest
Software for the commercial management of the rebar shop, the better software in the market. Purchasing and selling management.